There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to check out a guide like T Dub Sanders'. One might be interested in the underside of the game testing field. Others might just want to know what they can gain from a guide that is written to help people understand their role in the gaming industry. Others still are just pining for that ultimate career working alongside game developers and designers.
Whatever the reason, T Dub Sanders has put together one of the biggest and best game testing guides on the market – one that shows the underpinnings of the career in their raw, real format. There are no false promises of automatic testing or sitting at home and playing the newest games for hundreds of dollars a day.
That stuff is all pretty much a pipe dream and most people know it – yet many guide writers try to tell everyone that they can become the biggest and best new game testers in a field that doesn't really exist every day and too many fall for it. On the other hand, what T Dub has put together is a much more realistic, much more comprehensive look at what game testing is really about – the hard work and dedication that goes into becoming someone in charge of all that code each day.
By showing what it really takes to be a game tester, T Dub opens up an actual, realistic path to getting into the industry. He showcases skills needed to get started as a tester, the classes or college majors that people better be willing to invest in if they want to be a professional in this field and much more to help them figure out not only if the career path is right for them but if they are going to be cut out for it. That means a great deal for someone who may or may not know exactly what a game tester does and how it operates.
For anyone that is thinking about taking the path toward becoming a game tester, one of the first things that needs to be done is to learn more about what the career entails. Those people should pick up T Dub's newest guide and get a real insider's look at the job and how it really works. If you're serious about doing what T Dub shows you, you'll be on the fast track toward game testing in no time flat.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
How to Build a Website Using Devhub
4 Ways to Build a Website Using Devhub - wikiHow/**/var WH = WH || {};WH.lang = WH.lang || {};button_swap = button_unswap = function(){};WH.exitTimerStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();WH.mergeLang = function(A){for(i in A){v=A[i];if(typeof v==='string'){WH.lang[i]=v;}}}; Sign Up or Log In or Log In via
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HomeArticlesCommunityMy Profile WH.translationData = {};WH.mergeLang({'navlist_collapse': '- collapse','navlist_expand': '+ expand'});EditHome » Categories » Computers and Electronics » Internet » Website and Blog CreationHow to Build a Website Using DevhubEdited by Ecto5, Gaurang, Lutherus, Chris and 2 othersPin ItArticle EditDiscussCreating websites in the past had always been a job left to the professionals, requiring expertise in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make decent webpages. DevHub attempts to simplify this process to a simple drag and drop interface, letting you create a fully functional website in a matter of minutes. Follow these steps to setup your own personal blog or business website.
Edit StepsGetting Started1Visit devhub's website. Click on Get Started to start building your website.
The website's homepage.2Select the type of website you want. Devhub allows you to create various types of site, such as a website for your small business or one for a personal blog. It even allows you to import your pre-existing blog to devhub from popular services like Blogger, Tumblr or WordPress among others. This tutorial assumes that you have picked "Small Business site", for the sake of instructing you what to do next.
Filling in the Basics1Fill in the information about your website. What you fill here determines what initially shows up on your website. Don't worry if you make a mistake. You can always change it later.
Sample info. filled.2Choose a Domain name. Perhaps the most important part of a website is its domain name. Pick an easy-to-remember domain name which is related to your website. Devhub allows you to register a new domain for a small monthly fee or you can use a domain name you had registered earlier with another provider. The last option allows you to register a free sub-domain, which means instead of having as you domain name you will have as your domain name.
Your Domain name is your Identity on the web.Although a sub-domain is not a good choice for a business website, it is a quick and free way to get up and running and test devhub's service.3Fill out personal details. In this step devhub asks you to fill up your personal information along with a CAPTCHA(the password field). This ensures that you are a human and not a spam bot. You are also asked to read the terms of service. Read it and check the box if you agree.
Make sure you enter the captcha correctlyBuilding the Website1Start building your website. You will be presented with an editable version of your website. As you can see, it has an easy to use drag-and-drop interface. Re-arrange the basic information if you deem it necessary.
2Change the number of columns and their width. Below the header you will see a small slider which allows you to adjust the width of the columns. To the left, a dropdown allows you to change the number of columns your website has.
Use the slider to adjust width.3 This Handy tool will allow you to add new features.Try out the Editor's Tray. The editor's tray allows you to add a number of features to the website, like adding blog posts or revenue generating services.4Try adding a blog post. No company website is complete without a blog. Add a blog post from the Editor's Tray. Type in the title, body and don't forget to put it into a category!
5Add header images. Header images contain your company's logo and a general picture which describes your company's purpose. For example, a construction company will benefit from adding a picture showing workers at work.
Upload images and logos.6Edit your logo. Near the header images you will see an edit button on the top right. Click on it to choose how to display your logo.7Optimize SEO settings for your website. SEO(Search Engine Optimization) are optimizations made to a website to facilitate quick indexing by search engines. These optimizations allows faster categorization and quickly assign relevant search keywords.
SEO is very important for search engine rankings.Click on Optimize Page(SEO) in the Editor's Tray.Fill out all the information.Page Name: Describes the current page, which is your homepage.Title Tag: The title tag of your website. The Company's name along with it's tagline should suffice.Meta Description: Describe you company in a few words.Meta keywords:These keywords help search engines categorize the pages they find. Use keywords which are related to your company and potential customers will search for.Click the 'i' next to each field for more information.8 Edit site settings, Color Schemes and Pages.Edit site settings, Color Schemes and Pages. On the top right of your screen you will see options which will allow you to change the color scheme of your website, add additional pages and change the site settings.9Change the look and feel. The Themes and Colors option allows you to change the theme and the color scheme of your website. At the top of the popup you can change the theme, which changes the overall look and feel of your site while the lower part allows you to change the background color and the overall color scheme of your website.
This simple box allows you to customize the look of your website.10Edit your site settings. Here you can change the title, description, contact email and other settings of the site. You can choose from advertising options to generate revenue and also modify domain name settings (like buying a top level domain). You can also change the blog settings.
Edit the title, keyword, decription for your page.11Edit the advanced settings. The advanced settings tab in the site settings allows you to obtain the sitemap for your website, which you may need to submit to some search engines or directories. Some search engines may require you to put special codes in your header and footer, which you can accomplish here.
Make sure that you add the company's name address, zip code, and its basic purpose in the footer. It really helps in improving search engine rankings.Connecting to Social Media and Publishing Your Website1Connect your Twitter or Facebook account. You can have a live stream of your company's tweets and status updates by connecting these accounts. Click on Social Features in the Editor's Tray.2 Preview your website.Preview your website. Preview how your website will look using the View Preview Site near the top left corner of you page. This allows you to see the website without the clutter generated by editing tools.3 Save and PublishPublish. When you are happy with what you have done, click the Save and Publish Button on the top center of your page.The editor requires you to complete all the jobs in the to-do list (bottom left of the page) before you can submit. You can choose to ignore some of these tasks but the list offers a great reminder on things you may have left out.
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Edit TipsA website which has easily readable address, zip code and other information is usually perceived as professional. Don't hide your contact details; instead, try to place them on the homepage if possible.A website can generate money, sometimes large enough to cover its maintenance costs. Don't forget to add relevant revenue generating features to your website.You can also register your domain name with other registrars, which may have cheaper offers.Avoid free domains like .tk or, it will lower the professionalism of your website. Your best bet is with a .com domain.Constantly improve your site by adding more content and features––users prefer dynamic, content-rich websites.Don't try JavaScript or flash gimmicks, they may look flashy and pretty to you but users prefer clean and elegant pages over pages riddled with animations.
Edit WarningsA top level domain costs a monthly fee.Do not choose themes or color patterns which make the website unreadable. There should be good contrast between the text and background, whose colors do not produce a jarring effect on the eyes.
Edit Related wikiHowsHow to Build a Professional Looking Website For FreeHow to Build a Free Website Using Talkspot.ComHow to Create a Logo for Your Small Business or WebsiteHow to Create a Website using Carrowyn Content Management SystemArticle Info Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Creating and Enhancing a Website | Website and Blog Creation
Recent edits by: Flickety, Chris, Lutherus
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