During a webcast discussing the marketing benefits of video streaming, Ustream SVP of Marketing David Thompson confirmed that PS4 gameplay can be streamed to outside platforms beyond the PS4 console itself.
The answer came earlier today in response to a question about whether PS4 gameplay streaming will be tied to Ustream profiles. "The Ustream service is going to be embedded in the PS4," Thompson replied, "so that any gamer will be able to click the Share button on their controller and zap up to the Ustream cloud and broadcast out to his friends, or her friends, on the PS4 console itself or on the Ustream website or the Sony website."
Details about how PS4 game streaming will function has been vague since the console's reveal back in February, when it was confirmed that Ustream would be utilized for game broadcasting. Meanwhile, Gaikai technology will allow players to interact with the broadcasts of their friends in interesting ways, like taking direct control of the game, if invited to do so.
Thompson's words today are the first concrete indication we've received that PS4 streaming can be viewed from other portals, and seems to indicate that PSN accounts in the next generation can be tied to Ustream accounts for things like scheduled programming, a recently popularized gaming trend made possible (though far from convenient) by Twitch.tv.
Broadcasting to Twitch accounts will be possible on Xbox One, making this newly announced feature all the more vital for Sony's competitive efforts in the coming generation.
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