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This article focuses on the ways in which you can seek to avoid Type 2 Diabetes, with close attention to changing risky behaviors (obesity, smoking, binging, sugary and fatty diet, ignoring the many symptoms half-expecting them to just go away,...).
Type 1 diabetes: This condition involves destruction of more than 90 percent of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, causing the pancreas to cease making insulin or to make very little. Type 1 diabetes tends to occur prior to the age of 30 and it may involve an environmental factor, as well as a genetic predisposition.[2]Type 2 diabetes: While the pancreas continues to produce insulin, or even higher levels of insulin, the body develops a resistance to the insulin, causing scarcity of insulin for the body's needs and blood sugar levels remain permanently too high. While this type of diabetes can occur in children and adolescents, it usually begins in people over 30 and becomes more common as people age. It tends to run in families and around 15 percent of people over 70 have diabetes Type 2.[2] Type 2 may not show symptoms for years or even decades before being diagnosed, as health may, silently, reach a crisis event before one seeks medical attention. Pay attention to possible indicators...Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. Left undiagnosed and/or untreated, serious side effects can injure the mother and affect the unborn child. Having gestational diabetes, that resolves after delivery, increases your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes in some point of your life and getting gestational diabetes in a next pregnancy. It also increases the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases after 15 to 20 years from 1.5 to 7.8 times!Diabetes due to surgery, drugs, malnutrition, infections, and other illnesses, hereditary disorders that may lead to diabetes (such as cystic fibrosis), may all account for 1 percent to 2 percent of the diagnosed cases of diabetes.[3] Diabetes insipidus is not related to blood sugar levels.[2] It is a relatively rare disease and is not covered in this article.2Be concerned. Dangers of how Type 2 diabetes can derail your life is an important part of motivating you to want to avoid getting it by poor habits of diet. Often complications of diabetes occur quickly in diabetes, while others progress slowly. The types of complications that arise with diabetes include:
Lowered blood supply to the skin and nerves,
Fatty substances and blood clots clogging blood vessels (called Atherosclerosis),
Leading to heart failure, and strokes,
leg cramps when walking,
Permanently poor vision,
Renal (kidney) failure,
Nerve damage (with numbness and pain and loss of function),
Inflammation, infections and skin breakdown,
Angina (heart pain), etc.
Over-consumption of fructose, sucrose and other common sugars are a major concern of developing diabetes Type 2. However, all sugars have the same effects in the diabetes. [4]3Pay special attention to any risk factors for diabetes that apply to your life. There are several key risk factors that increase the potential for you to suffer from diabetes, and while some of them are not under your control (such as age and genetics), others are (such as food intake and exercise). The risk factors for Type 2 diabetes include:
Obesity – based on body mass index, a BMI over 29 increases your odds of diabetes to one in four.[5]Older than age 45. Note that pre-menopausal women are probably helped by the levels of estrogen, which helps to clear away fatty acids that cause insulin resistance, and helps insulin absorb glucose more rapidly.[6]Having a parent, sibling, grandparent, aunts and uncles, etc., who has or did have Type 2 diabetes. This can indicate a family gene predisposing you to diabetes.[5]A diagnosis of heart disease or high cholesterol. Cardiovascular risks include high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, and high LDL cholesterol, and a study showed that one in four people in Europe suffering from these risk factors were also pre-diabetes.[5]People of Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian, or Pacific Islander descent are at almost double the risk of white Americans.[5][3]Up to 40 percent of women who experienced gestational diabetes are at risk of developing diabetes Type 2 later in life.[3]A low birth weight increases your chances of developing diabetes by 23 percent for babies 5.5 pounds and by 76 percent for babies under 5 pounds.[5]Diet high in sugar,[7] cholesterol, and processed food.Irregular or no exercise - less than 3 times per week.[8]4Act early. High blood sugar can be corrected before lasting damage sets in.[9] If you have the risk factors associated with diabetes, it is important to get regular screening tests – simple urine and blood tests – and to respond by controlling your lifestyle factors. If tests reveal that you have "pre-diabetes" (metabolic syndrome), it means that you have an increased chance of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the future. While such a diagnosis can be frightening, it's also an opportunity to take back your health and to slow, reverse, or avoid Type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes.
Pre-diabetes exists where your blood glucose is higher than normal. It's a key indicator of metabolic breakdown taking place, leading to Type 2 diabetes.[10]Pre-diabetes is reversible. Left ignored, the American Diabetes Association warns that your odds for getting Type 2 diabetes within a decade are almost 100 percent.[11]The CDC recommends that anyone aged 45 or over should be tested for diabetes if you're overweight.[8]5Change your dietary habits. A diet rich in sugar-laden foods, as well as foods high in cholesterol, increases your risk for pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes development. In order to improve your chances of reversing high-normal blood sugar (pre-diabetes) and restoring full body health, there are some dietary solutions that you can implement from today. The following dietary suggestions focus on do's and don'ts.
Increase your daily servings of fruit and vegetables. Aim for seven to nine daily servings of fruit and vegetables.[12] They can be fresh, frozen, or dried, but it is preferable to error on the side of as much fresh produce as possible.[13] Try to reduce your intake of canned vegetables because they have higher salt content.
Eat dark green veggies (for example, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts).Orange veggies (for example, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash).Beans and peas (for example, black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils).Eat good carbohydrates. Skip the pastries, cakes, fries, and other processed carbs. Fill up instead on carbohydrates that are healthy – fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and breads. Look for choices with good fiber content; fiber has been shown to lower blood sugar by acting as a "mop" slowing down the digestive process and the speed with which glucose enters the bloodstream.[12]
Eat whole grains, whole grain rice, breakfast cereals with 100 percent whole grain content, whole grain pasta, etc.Eat whole-wheat bread, bagels, pita bread, and tortillas.Stop drinking sugar.[14] Quench your thirst with water most of the time. If you're worried about its quality, purchase a filter. Sodas, soft drinks, fruit juice, cordial, fruit drinks, flavored water, energy drinks, etc., are all sources of invisible sugar that your body does not need. Leave these drinks for treats only and rely on drinking water, dairy milk, or unsweetened soy, oat, nut, etc., milks. Soda water and sparkling mineral water are free of sugar; a few drops of lemon or orange juice freshly squeezed can be sufficient to flavor these drinks pleasantly. Coffee and tea are also OK in moderation, without sugar. Persevere; your body will crave sweetened drinks initially until you wean yourself from the habit.
Stop snacking on sugar -- and 'refined carbs' (such as white flour products) that almost instantly turn to sugar.[15] Sugar resides in many snacks from the obvious cakes, pastries, candies, and chocolate, to the less obvious fruit bars and sweetened yogurts. Sugar is cheap and it satisfies cravings, provides a quick pick-me-up for after-lunch crashes, and is serves a never-ending need for fast energy fixes. Do you have a cookie or sweet snack with every coffee? These soon add up. Don't stock up on sugary treats and don't reach for them when you feel like a lift. Leave fruit, vegetable pieces, nuts, and other healthy items within reach instead. A little nuts are an amazing substitute for chips and such -- and a great source of fiber, essential oils and proteins.
Watch out for all sugary foods, especially breakfast cereals. Prefer cereals with less sugar and that are 100 percent wholegrain. Or substitute with oatmeal, amaranth, or other grain-based sugarless options. Try making your own muesli.Eat less fat. Consume less than 30 percent of your daily calories as fat, and only 10 percent of that as saturated.[12] Avoid trans-fats as much as possible.[13] Trim fat off meat, eat lean cuts of meat, and use more monounsaturated oils, such as olive oil.
Keep treats for special occasions. The constant availability of sweet and fatty food is the equivalent of a permanent feast. Many of us have lost the ability to restrain ourselves from eating sweet and fatty treats and have absorbed them into our diets on a daily basis. In the past, human beings could only enjoy such a vast array of treats on special occasions such as feasts and celebratory occasions. The delayed gratification involved in waiting for such occasions increased the sweetness and delectable taste of the treats; nowadays, it's almost a taken-for-granted solution to every hiccup during the day – "Someone said my work sucked! I need chocolate!". While we can't change the crazy pace of our workplace and lives (yet), we can stand up for our personal health by not using food as the stress crutch it has become, and by leaving treats to true special occasions for savoring.6If you're changing your eating habits to healthier ones as a lifestyle choice, you'll lose weight with a lot less effort than if you focus on the deprivation-thinking of a "diet". Eat healthy and exercise well, and the weight will start to remove itself. Keep in mind the goal of being healthy lifelong, and the fact that even extremely overweight people have lowered their diabetes risk by 70 percent just by losing 5 percent of their total weight.[12]
Take it easy. "Diets" tend to fail because they're short term and we want to reach an "end" point. A lifestyle eating change is for good and involves gradually cutting out the foods that increase health risks, while increasing the healthier foods. As it is gradual, your body becomes more attuned to healthier food and you'll start enjoying it a lot more without the added flavorings, processing, sugar, fats, and salt.
7It has been shown by the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) that people who lost 5 to 7 percent of their body weight and exercised for a half hour each day 5 days a week cut their risk of developing by 58 percent; this contrasts with only 31 percent reduced risk for people who relied merely on medication.[16][8] Whatever your weight, exercise is an important part of keeping healthy. Excessive body fat hinders the breakdown of and use of glucose essential for energy. The great news is that a mere 30 minutes of exercise per day, using activities that raise the heart rate for a suitable length of time, is one vital way of helping you to avoid diabetes and to maintain a healthy weight.
Take walks during your lunch break. If you can walk half an hour each lunch for 5 days a week, you'll be keeping yourself fit and healthy.
Avoid the rush hour by exercising near your work after knock-off time. Go home a little later, exercised, and unstressed because the traffic levels have eased.
Get a dog or start walking your existing dog - dogs make it easier to exercise and are a form of responsibility that obliged you to get out.
Walk to your local shops rather than taking the car. Unless you've got heavy packages to carry, walking locally makes good sense. It's a good opportunity to go with a friend or family member too, and to have a chat. Conversing while walking makes the walk seem shorter.
Renew the songs on your iPod or MP3 player. Give yourself a great excuse to walk or run while listening to your music selection.8Return for testing. After 6 months to a year of improving your diet and exercise habits, return for a test to see how your blood sugar levels have changed.
Always keep monitoring up with your doctor. Follow your doctor's advice.
If you need help, consider speaking to a registered dietitian who can assist you with developing a meal plan.
9Consider seeing a psychologist if you have underlying emotional issues that cause you to consume too much or to eat an unhealthy diet.
10Ask your doctor about lowering your blood sugar and the need for insulin during your sleep (night or day): not eating other than light protein snack near bedtime, especially stopping non-essential nutrients 2 or 3 hours before your sleep-time, drinking only water (not alcohol, no caffeine or other stimulants) at such times, telling yourself: "That food will be here tomorrow!"
If you take insulin or other diabetes medications and believe that you "must snack" before bedtime to prevent low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) during the night -- how do you "prevent" that excess insulin? Talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose of your medications to "not need a late-night snack".[17]
Hungry after dinner -- these "free" foods have few, if any, carbohydrates and calories, so "one" of them won't cause weight gain or increased blood sugar. Choose a "free" food, such as:[17]
A can of diet soda,A serving of sugar-free gelatin,Five baby carrots,Two saltine crackers,One vanilla wafer,Four almonds (or similar nuts),One piece of gum or small hard candy...Give your nerves, liver and the digestive system time to finish work, and to rest and for general recovery, from the sugar produced by [continuing] digestion after being asleep; so sugar is less elevated in the blood, and to stop fats or sugars being processed all night in the liver (allows in-digestion to clear, as well), etc.
11Sleep (on an almost empty stomach!) -- get 6, preferably 7 or more hours of sleep for recovery time for the nerves and all other systems to settle and rest. This will lower your diabetes problems, i.e.: blood sugar levels [and improve your blood pressure].
If you need help sleeping, (1) try the one antihistamine to cause drowsiness that does not cause higher blood pressure (HBP), as cheap as $4 for 100 (as Equate brand 'Chlortabs'): it is chlorpheniramine maleate -- also sold as 'Chlortrimeton' and as 'Corcidin-HBP'. (Do not use any sugary antihistamine syrups.) (2) Taking Valerian as a highly relaxant herb -- helps with sleep and is especially known to reduce body aches and pains. If you wake up too early, drink water and take another dose of both, if four hours or more have passed since the first dose. (3) Take calcium with magnesium and vitamin D3 and B-vitamins, omega3, omega3-6-9 which all work together, causing much improved relaxation and many other healthful benefits! (4) A "small serving of protein food" helps sleep -- such as plain turkey or chicken, and do eat almonds (have more fiber!), walnuts, pecans, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, pistachios, red peanuts with skins-on (also, those kinds of seeds and all nuts have essential oils!).
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While this video talks about diet and exercise after being diagnosed with diabetes to keep your blood sugar low, the advice is the same for pre-diabetics.Edit TipsRegularly schedule appointments in advance with your doctor to monitor your urine and blood if you are at risk for diabetes. Set automatic reminders on your phone or online calendar to ensure you keep your appointments.It has been noted that breast-fed babies are less likely than bottle-fed babies to develop diabetes Type 1.[18]"Diabetes mellitus" means "honey-sweet diabetes", referring to the high levels of sugar in the patient's urine.[19]A study in the Netherlands showed that men eating a diet high in potatoes, fish, vegetables, and legumes appear to have a lower risk for diabetes.[20] Despite the unfair bad rap that potatoes often get, when cooked and eaten without added fats, they are considered healthy because they're high in complex carbohydrates, which have to be broken down into simple sugars before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream, a factor that keeps blood sugar levels stable.Edit WarningsUntreated diabetes can lead to heart disease and eventual death. If you discover that you have any risk factors for diabetes or testing determines you have pre-diabetes, make the lifestyle changes to reverse the condition and avoid a diabetes diagnosis.Edit Things You'll NeedHealthy food choicesQuality healthy food cookbooks for recipe ideasEdit Related wikiHowsHow to Avoid a StrokeHow to Eat HealthyHow to Be HealthyHow to Live a Healthy LifestyleHow to Live a Healthier LifeHow to Prevent Type 2 DiabetesHow to Manage Type 2 DiabetesHow to Protects Yourself Against DiabetesEdit Sources and CitationsCDC, – research source – research source – research source – research source? 1.0 1.1 David Gillespie, Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes You Fat, p. 118, (2008), ISBN 978-0-670-07247-7? 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Diabetes Mellitus, p. 962, (2003), ISBN 978-0-7434-7733-8? 3.0 3.1 3.2 CDC, Diabetes & Me, Melanson, K.; et al. (2006). "Eating Rate and Satiation.". Obesity Society (NAASO) 2006 Annual Meeting, October 20–24,Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts.? 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, p. 264, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? David Gillespie, Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes You Fat, p. 117, (2008), ISBN 978-0-670-07247-7? David Gillespie, Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes You Fat, p. 117, (2008), ISBN 978-0-670-07247-7? 8.0 8.1 8.2 CDC, Prevent Diabetes, Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, p. 11, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, p. 263, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, p. 262, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, p. 269, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? 13.0 13.1 CDC, Eat Right, David Gillespie, Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes You Fat, pp. 151-152, (2008), ISBN 978-0-670-07247-7? David Gillespie, Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes You Fat, pp. 156-157, (2008), ISBN 978-0-670-07247-7? Ann Fittante, Prevention's The Sugar Solution, pp. 11-12, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-693-7? 17.0 17.1 Mayo Clinic, "Are late-night snacks a no-no for people who have diabetes?"? Reader's Digest, Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way, Diabetes, p. 163, (2000), ISBN 1-876689-78-1? Reader's Digest, Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way, Diabetes, p. 162, (2000), ISBN 1-876689-78-1? Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies", p. 524, (2007), ISBN 1-59486-753-4Article Info Featured Article
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