Discussing the success of DC Universe Online on the PlayStation 3, the game's producer, Larry Liberty, said in an interview with NowGamer that the PlayStation 4 will be a 'great platform for MMOs'.
DC Universe Online, developed by Sony Online Entertainment, was launched in 2009 and became a free-to-play title starting November 1, 2011, and to date is one of the first and only MMO titles available on consoles.
"We proved that we could get a full-featured MMO onto the PS3 and that it could be very successful," Liberty said. "The majority of our player base is on the PS3, and we get thousands of new players each day."
Liberty went on to praise SOE for its efforts towards creating a stable environment for console MMOs and free-to-play titles, both of which were widely considered unthinkable at the onset of the current gaming generation.
"They've become a great partner, and are genuinely interested in effecting change that will make their platforms work better for free-to-play titles," he said.
Considering the success of DC Universe Online on the PlayStation 3, the working relationship developers are forging with SOE, Liberty is optimistic regarding the PS4's ability to become a good source of MMO and free-to-play titles in the coming years.
"I would expect that, with all of the amazing features that have been announced for the next PlayStation, that it will be a great platform for MMOs," he said.
The PS4, despite little being known publicly about it, has already garnered considerable praise from developers and publishers across the board. More information regarding Sony's upcoming next generation console will be revealed next Monday at E3.
(via CVG)
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Steven Chaffin, Jr. is an American editor for PlayStation Universe. He's currently gathering spare change, desperately hoping to purchase the PS4 when it releases this November. Support his cause by following him on Twitter @steven_chaffin.
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