Until both Sony and Microsoft’s next-generation of consoles launch and we get to spend some quality time with them, one of the only ways to judge PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is through the war of numbers and specifications that both parties have thrown at us.
In terms of specifications, Sony appears to be on top though it's really going to dependon how much developers push the technology on both platforms. Take a look at price, PS4 wins hands-down coming in considerably cheaper than the Xbox One. Examine the exclusives and new franchises and once again Sony comes up trumps.
While Microsoft will release 15 exclusives and eight new IPs within Xbox One’s first year, Sony claims it will have 20 PS4 exclusives with twelve new IPs in year one.
At E3 earlier this month, Sony revealed a host of exclusive titles including Killzone: ShadowFall, The Order: 1886, inFamous: Second Son and Driveclub, but that’s just the beginning . At GamesCom, which is held in Germany each year, it looks like Sony plans to showcase the second round of PlayStation exclusive titles.
Speaking with Gamesreactor, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO Jim Ryan said “there’s a lot more coming” and told readers that more will be revealed at GamesCom.
"I’m sure you heard from [SCE Worldwide Studios boss] Shu [Yoshida] that he has—just his studios—he has 30 games in development. 20 of them are going to ship within the first year of the console’s life, and of those, 12 are new IP, “ said Ryan.
"So there’s a lot going on, it’s just that we need to keep stuff back. We’ve got Gamescom for us Europeans—we need to have something to show at Gamescom, don’t we?"
The PS4 and Xbox One is due to release later this year, with rumours suggesting a November launch date. Do numbers matter to you? Which console will you be buying?
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