Double Eleven, Ltd, developer of PlayStation Vita titles LittleBigPlanet and Limbo, as embarked on a new project for Sony's beloved handheld: PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD.
The main premise of PixelJunk Monsters is controlling Tikiman in order to protect his helpless babies from monsters. Now that the former PlayStation Portable title is coming to the PS Vita, Double Eleven has remastered the visuals to beautifully accommodate the PS Vita's OLED screen, and touch input controls have been added to increase control over managing the game. Included in this version is the Encore expansion and all additional levels, towers, and enemies that were part of the PSP's Deluxe Edition.
Much like in any tower defense title, players can earn coins by defeating waves of monsters and spend them on tower and building upgrades and even buy more defensive structures to fend off all the creepy critters.
While converting this title over to the PS Vita the Double Eleven team, which worked with the Q-Games development team to rehash PixelJunk Monsters on Sony's newer handheld, the teams discussed the option to reduce the overall difficulty by adding in checkpoints during waves of enemies, which would have made a major difference while playing on Legendary difficulty. However, after some hearty contemplation, both teams decided to not include this feature, because "the sense of pride you gained in “rainbowing” (perfectly completing) a level would become somewhat less satisfying. In Monsters, you earn your rainbows and that’s it." So, fans of the series will either love or hate to know that the PS Vita version of PixelJunk Monsters will be as hard as it was on the PSP.
No official release date was announced, but here's a taste of what's to come in the updated title PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD for the PS Vita:
Via PS Blog EU
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