Guerilla Games' latest iteration in the explosive Killzone series looks set to step up to the next level on PlayStation 4 with Killzone: Shadow Fall.
Speaking to the Official PlayStation Magazine, game director Steven Ter Heide gave readers an insight into a few of the technical changes that are set to make it look better and perform smoother than any Killzone game to date.
“The first thing that people notice is fidelity,” says Steven. “It’s running in 1080p, whereas the last game was running in 720p – that immediately makes a difference. The particle resolution had to be very low [on PS3], but because we’ve got loads more memory [now] we can have higher particle resolutions. More HDR lighting gives lots more range in the type of light we have in this level; both the amount of post-processing effects, and the quality of these effects. That’s the kind of thing people notice when looking at the difference between PS3 and PS4. The games look prettier."
The full interview can be found on the Official PlayStation Magazine website, where Steven also talks about how the PlayStation 4 architecture has allowed it to gather more NPCs on screen at one time, approximately 60 in total and how it’s managed to create “the illusion of a living world”.
For insight into how Killzone: Shadow Fall actually plays, check out PSU's hands-on preview and the E3 interview from OPM.
Killzone: Shadow Fall will be a PS4 launch title when Sony’s next-generation console is released later this year.
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