A few weeks back, we reported that Kevin Conroy, fan-favorite voice actor behind Batman's incarnations in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, would not be returning to voice the world's greatest detective in Batman: Arkham Origins. That news came courtesy of South African gaming magazine NAG, which stated that Warner Bros. was currently on the hunt for a man to replace Conroy's leading role.
Well, Conroy himself has put the rumors to rest, though his words aren't 100 percent, absolutely concrete on the matter. You see, Conroy was answering fan questions at a panel at Dallas Comic-Con over the weekend. During the Q&A, he announced that he had been working on the "next Arkham game" for the past "nine or ten months." He also had rave words to share about the "next Arkham game," calling it "unbelievable," with a "huge cast" and a "big story" that "is just amazing." (Thanks, pixelenemy)
Now, the internet is convinced that this means Conroy will voice Batman in Arkham Origins, but I'm not absolutely sure. The excuse for having a different voice actor give life to Batman in Origins is one of time, and it's logical--a younger Batman would have a younger voice, perhaps less raspy and world-weary. Meanwhile, we have no idea what Rocksteady, the Arkham Asylum and Arkham City developer, is working on. Warner Bros. Montreal is handling Arkham Origins, which makes me think Rocksteady could be prepping the "next Arkham game" as a next-generation sequel, with Conroy behind the Batcowl yet again.
Of course, Conroy also said during the Dallas Comic-Con Q&A that a non-disclosure agreement is what kept him from confirming the news until now, so it's unlikely that he's spilling the beans on a next-gen Batman game. Give us your take in the comments below, and stay glued to PSU for more on the Arkham series as it breaks.
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