There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to check out a guide like T Dub Sanders'. One might be interested in the underside of the game testing field. Others might just want to know what they can gain from a guide that is written to help people understand their role in the gaming industry. Others still are just pining for that ultimate career working alongside game developers and designers.

Whatever the reason, T Dub Sanders has put together one of the biggest and best game testing guides on the market – one that shows the underpinnings of the career in their raw, real format. There are no false promises of automatic testing or sitting at home and playing the newest games for hundreds of dollars a day.

That stuff is all pretty much a pipe dream and most people know it – yet many guide writers try to tell everyone that they can become the biggest and best new game testers in a field that doesn't really exist every day and too many fall for it. On the other hand, what T Dub has put together is a much more realistic, much more comprehensive look at what game testing is really about – the hard work and dedication that goes into becoming someone in charge of all that code each day.

By showing what it really takes to be a game tester, T Dub opens up an actual, realistic path to getting into the industry. He showcases skills needed to get started as a tester, the classes or college majors that people better be willing to invest in if they want to be a professional in this field and much more to help them figure out not only if the career path is right for them but if they are going to be cut out for it. That means a great deal for someone who may or may not know exactly what a game tester does and how it operates.

For anyone that is thinking about taking the path toward becoming a game tester, one of the first things that needs to be done is to learn more about what the career entails. Those people should pick up T Dub's newest guide and get a real insider's look at the job and how it really works. If you're serious about doing what T Dub shows you, you'll be on the fast track toward game testing in no time flat.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The PSU Opinion Piece Challenge - $50 PSN card up for grabs

Posted May 28th, 2013 at 10:16 EDT by PSU Community1 Comments

Courtesy of PSU community guru, Sir_Scud, we’re giving you the chance to pick up a $50 PSN card simply by letting us know your videogame opinions.

What is the Challenge?

Write an opinion piece for a chance to win a $50 PSN card. All you gotta do is type up an Opinion piece, submit it to the Community Reviews and Opinions section, and link your new thread to this thread. There will be some badass judges who will cherry pick the best of the best, that's why it's important your entry is linked to this thread. Once the judges make their picks, those authors will see their work front and center on the main page of PSU.

Here's how you win: A voting thread will appear, and your fellow members will pick which article they think is the overall best opinion piece that exhibited both original thought and solid content. I will then crown the winner with a sweet $50 PSN card.

If there is high volume of entries, there will be more prizes.

When does this contest begin?

It already has! So you have from May 26-June 30th. On June 30th this thread will be closed and your content will be judged.

But Scud! My writing skills aren't top notch, I can't win!

For all those that don't win, I will throw your entries into a lottery, and a magical random number generator will win one dude or dudette a $20 PSN card. So even if your writing skills aren't perfect or if your piece isn't the big thing, you still can win $20 on PSN.

Do keep in mind I reserve the right to deem any piece unfit for the challenge. You must meet the basic guidelines for your piece to stick. If it's not a minimum of 500 words or just words with no true purpose, I will not count it.

Can I enter more than one piece?

No. You can only enter one piece, BUT you can change it if a week later you write the Mona Lisa equivalent opinion piece. All you have to do is edit your post with the new link, and you can do this up until the cut-off date. Just make sure I know so I edit the entries list to reflect the change. On June 30th the thread will be locked and the judges will do their thing.

If you already wrote an opinion piece, that can suffice as an entry to the challenge.

To clarify…this is what you need to do.

-  Write an Opinion Piece

-  Post it in the Community Reviews & Opinion Section

-  Post a link to that thread in THIS thread

-  Badass judges cherry pick a few entries

-  Those entries get on the front page

-  Members vote on their favorite

-  Winner gets $50

-  Everyone else enters for a chance to win $20

-  Prizes are subject to increase if high volume of entries

-- I reserve the right to throw out any entries I deem unfit

-- Contest runs from May 26-June 30th

View the original article here

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